Things I'm Loving (v.5)
Hello friends—
Can you believe we're doing this time change thing here in the USA again? I know it comes twice a year, without fail, but it still catches me up on the "spring forward” side.
In a week where we could all use a little extra joy, here are this week’s finds!
Something for play
We're coming to the end of the first round of The Sanctuary Saloon, a space where we come together regularly for play and conversation. Every month, we've had an open session, where folks from the larger community could come and play as well. The next open session is this Tuesday (and this is changing for the next round! stay tuned for updates). If you haven't been to one, the format goes a little like this:
When you sign up, you'll get an email with some prompts to help you think about play and what that might look like. There's also a guided meditation included, in case visualizations are your thing.
During the actual session, we start with grounding ourselves in the moment and setting aside one thing that we can hit pause on for the next 90 minutes. Then, we play. Cameras on, cameras off, as you prefer.
One of our regular participants has called this “recess” and every time I hear that, I smile.
Toward the end of the 90 minutes, we'll come back together and check in via chat (if you'd like) with a one word description of how we feel in the moment.
That's it—that's the whole thing.
It sounds simple, and it is, but ime, it's also incredibly powerful.
And, if you don't want to join us, or it doesn't match up with your schedule, see if you can carve out 5 minutes for play on your own.
Look at the clouds and see what you can find in them, build part of a puzzle, play with your pets, be fully present to your kid(s) as they play…
there are so many possibilities, and the important part is that you play, not that you play with us (although I believe it's better in community!)
Something to listen to
Reading Rainbow, Star Trek: Next Generation, Roots.
What do these have in common with this week's something to listen to?
Levar Burton.
My friend Sandi Davis shared this resource in one of her Five Things Friday (I think) quite some time back and I saved it immediately.
Most of the episodes range from 35 minutes to just under an hour as you listen to Levar reading short stories. With 11 seasons, and new episodes still coming, there's plenty to tickle your ears!
Something to watch
The Starling borders on the fantastical, and I loved it.
This movie, starring Melissa McCarthy and Chris O'Dowd is a poignant exploration of grief, loss, relationships. I laughed, I cried. CN, it deals with infant loss.
Something to help you slow down
What is this picture???
Zucchini Confit.
Although I'd never *heard* of zucchini confit before, when I saw my friend Lacy Boggs post about it on Facebook, I knew I had to try it. Especially because I had zucchini and squash that were on the verge of destruction, and according to google, confit could live in the fridge for quite some time.
Let me tell you. I really dislike mushy…. but this dish?
It's amazing.
I included the recipe I followed above. There's a richness and depth to the flavor. It's good with eggs, it's delicious with grains, with bread, with pretty much anything.
And, it's literally something that has to cook slowly. 90 minutes slowly.
If you try it, let me know!
Wildcard: Something for dancing
This comes from my friend Debbie! The EMELINE station on Pandora isn't music I'd been familiar with, but when Debbie texted that it wasn't her usual jam, but she loved it, I had to check it out. The music is catchy, the lyrics sex-positive, and the beat up-tempo. I couldn't help but dance as my cats watched from their towers, hoping I wouldn't grab them to join along. 😆
That's it for this week! As always, if you encounter something amazing, I'm always on the lookout for more good stuff to share with everyone.